Saturday, June 24, 2017

Are There Any Options For The U.S. And The International Community In Afghanistan?


Bennett Seftel, Cipher Brief: U.S. Running Out of Options in Afghanistan

The U.S. war in Afghanistan has entered into its 16th year with no end in sight. With the battle against the Taliban essentially mired in a stalemate and the Afghan government failing to address endemic corruption and countrywide economic woes, there appear to be no good options for moving forward.

“Today the Trump Administration faces the choice of losing quickly by withdrawing from Afghanistan, losing slowly by staying at the current, clearly inadequate levels of commitment, or not losing by increasing that commitment enough to maintain a stalemate on the battlefield,” says Cipher Brief expert and former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, Jim Dobbins.

Read more ....

WNU editor: A sobering analysis .... read it all.

Hat tip to Fred for this link.


Stephen Davenport said...

There is , it's just going to take decades or generations to do it. Patience.

TWN said...

When you have people that just won't give up, you have two choices, get the hell out or go all out Genghis Khan, this hearts and minds BS is just a waste of time.

Unknown said...


Hearts & Minds might work.

It will not work, where Pakistan willingly or de facto gives them sanctuary in FATA.

It will not work, when the Pakistani intelligence Service, ISI, actively supports the Taliban.

More than just spies have helped the Taliban. There have been Pakistani military officers on loan to the ISI.

If we pull out and let the Iranians, Pakistanis, Chinese & Russian knife fight each other for Afghanistan that might be the best path forward.